Dr. Gutte Sudhakar Laxman

Dr. Gutte Sudhakar Laxman
Subject Specialization: 
Pharmaceutical Microbiology

1. Employee Name  : Dr. Gutte Sudhakar Laxmanrao

2.  Department :  Microbiology

3.  Designation: Head and Associate Professor.

4. Subject  Specialization : Pharmaceutica Microbiology

5.  Institute Name :Mrs.K.S.K.CollegeBeed

6.  Residential Address : Shivaji nagar Beed.    

7.  Contact No.(Office) : 02442 - 222641

8.  Email Id : dr.guttesl @gmail.com  

9.  Contact No.(Personal) :  02442 - 222641

10.  Date of Birth :1972.

11.  Caste : Vanjari  ( NT-D)           Validity No :   034210. 

12.  Date of Appointment : 01/03/1999

13.  College ID : 136

14.  Pan Card Number : 

15.  U.I.D : 

16.  Voter ID : 

17. Blood Group :B Rh +ve        Driving Licence No : MH44/0025191

19. Academic Information

Name of Exam


Passing Mon-Year


Obtained/ Total Marks

% or Grade Point


Dr.BAMU Aurngabad







Dr.BAMU Aurngabad






Dr.BAMU Aurngabad



















20. Teaching Experience :-

     Under Graduation   :- 24 years

    Post Graduation       :- 16 years     

21. Details of Research Students guided for Ph.D.


Student Name


Registration Date

Award of Degree


Degree Status

Chandwad C.B.






Mrs Kurle S.S






Memane s.s.






Dusane  suyesh







22. Research Project :

Title of the minor research Project

Funding Agency &Amount


Degradation of organic pollutants from ash of thermal power plants of parli by bacteria.

University Grants Commission,Western Regional OfficeGaneshkhind-Pune.


23. List of Publications :


Title of Research Paper


Journal Details


Isolation and identification of naphthalene and anthracite degrading bacteria from oil contaminated soil.


Journal of microbial world 11(1) p.p. 59-63., 2009



Bioremediation of chrysene by Achromobacter  insolitus isolated from oil contaminated soil.


National journal of life sciences 07(2)p.p. 93-98, 2010



Bioremediation of Phenanthrene by Achromobacter  insolitus isolated from oil contaminated soil.


Journal of microbial world 14(2),2011



Biodegradation of  Fluoranthene  by Achromobacter  xylosoxidans isolated from oil contaminated soil


International Journal of  Biotechnology  and Biosciences

8 (2) 2011



Bioremedation of Anthracene by Achromobacterxylosoxidans isolated from oil contaminated soil.

International conference precedingABSD ,12-13,march,2013,COLMBO,




Bioremedation ofNaphthalene by Achromobacter  xylosoxidans isolated from oil contaminated soil.



National conference preceding

Chemical sciences, vasantrao naike college, Aurangabad.


Screening of actinomycetes  for  α –amylase Inhibitors producction..


Current enzyme inhibition  open acces online    international journal published bentham science . 2019,15,1-5. PP.1-5.



Screening of actinomycetes  for lipase inhibitor production



International journal of pharmacy and biological sciences (2019) 9 (3)277-281.



Isolation of actinomycetes from soil sample using different pretreatment methods and its comparative study

International journal of research and analytical reviews.VOL.6 issue 2 e ISSN 2348-1269 ,print ISSN 2349-5138.,PP.697-702.



Isolation of actinomycetes from Vitis vinifera Land Annona squamosa L. fruits and screening for

bioactive compounds

 Inter national plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 21(51&52):127-131;


Isolation of actinomycetes from

rhizosphere soil: a complete approach

International ISSN: 0972-2025

 Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 21(65&66):144-149


Screening of Actinomycetes for dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors production


ISSN: 0975-7538

International journal of research in pharmaceutical sciences




The role of microorganism in sustainable agriculture


ISSN:2231-024X International journal of bioscience discovery, 11(3):222-228


Antimicrobial activity in leaf extract of Bacopa monnieril


World journal of pharmaceutical and medical research, 2018,4(3),213-216.


Invitro callus induction in medicinal plants Salvadora persica l.


World journal of pharmaceutical and medical research,2020,4(3),445-448

24. Author of Book

 Title of Book With Page Nos ISSN/ISBN.

Publisher Name 

 Pharmaceutical Microbiology

( P. no. 1-270)

ISBN : 978-93-93337-65-8

ISSN(online) : 2582-967X

International Journal of Microbial Science 

24.  Editor of Book:



Title of Book with Page Nos.

Publisher Name




International Publisher


Practical handbook on food and waste water microbiology 1-76.


My rays book publication centre by international journal of microbial science (ISSN:2582-967X)


25. Seminars, Conferences, Symposia, Workshops etc, organized/attended:-

A. Organized Seminar/conference/workshop  :-

Name of seminar/ training

Name of Sponsoring Agency

Place and date

“ Role of Microorganisms in industrial effluent treatment ”

University Grant Commission

Mrs . K.S.K.College , Beed.22 Sept2007

N.S.S.camp for pre training and selection for Republic day

N.S.S. Cell  and Govt of  Maharashtra

P.V.P.College , Patoda 6-12 Nov .2005

Revised syllabus B.Sc.T.y.Microbiology

Dr. B. A. M.University Aurangabad

P.V.P.College , Patoda 20 Oct.2011

National seminar on”Best practices in higher education”.


P.V.P.College, patoda, 26-27, april, 2013.

State Level Seminar On Biotechnology For Better Tomorrow

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.

P.V.P. College, Patoda.,31 Aug.,2013

State Level Seminar on agricultural Biotechnology For

Sustainable Development

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada university, Aurangabad.

P.V.P. College, Patoda.23, Dec., 2016.

National webinar on challenges in vaccination for covid-19

Microbiology society of india

K.S.K.College ,Beed 28, August




B)        Conference / Seminar / Workshop Participation :-

  1.   State level seminar on plant biotechnology for human welfare.UGC, Balbhim College Beed. 24 Oct 2004 .
  2.   Workshop for N.S.S.p.o.on helping of economically affected students due to drought condition. Dr.B.A.M. University Aurangabad 5-6 April 2004.
  3.   State level conference on Deserter management N.S.S. Cell and Govt. of Maharashtra, Baramati 29-31 Jan 2005.
  4.    National level conference on Frontiers in biofetilizers   and biopesticides. UGC and  CSIR,  Dr.B.A.M. University , Subcenter, Omarabad (19-21 Feb 2006)
  5.     Workshop on Practical Aspects in Electrophoresis and immunology Technique.Bio     Era       Medical                 System at Latur.12 April, 200
  6.   Workshop on revised syllabus of  B.Sc first year-2008 Dr.B.A..M.University  Aurangabad and  Adarsha College, Omega, Dist Omarabad .23 Dec.2008.
  7. Workshop on Practical Aspects in Electrophoresis and immunology Technique.Bio Era Medical System at Latur.12 April, 200
  8.  Workshop on revised syllabus of  B.Sc first year-2008 Dr.B.A..M.University  Aurangabad and  Adarsha College, Omega, Dist Omarabad .23 Dec.2008.
  9. State level conference on biotechnology for Rural development UGC,Adarsh College, Omerga. Dist Osmanabad 20.21 Feb .2009.
  10.  Seminar on microbies for Better tomorrow at Dr.B.A.M.University, Subceter, Osmanabad (20-21 Feb-2009)           
  11. Workshop on revised syllabus of B.Sc  first year  at Sir  sayed College,Aurangabad.27 june.2010’
  12. e-learning Microbiology One day Seminar attended at Dr.B.A.M.U.A’ bad. Organized        

  by  Department of Microbiology and microbial Society of India, dated on  21/8/2011.

13)   National seminar on “Quality enhancement in higher education -2012”sponserd by NAAC at arts, commerce and management science college, parli  (V)., Dist. Beed.07AND 08 Dec., 2012.

   14)    I state level poster competition on “biological colours”organized by dept. of  microbiology,DSM ,Parbhani on 26  jan., 2013.  

15)    UGC Sponsored national workshop on “Techniques of scientific writing “organized by department of zoology,yogeshwari mahavidyalaya,ambajogai,on 18and 19 january,2014.

16)       State Level Poster Competition On “Bioenergy”Organized By Dept. Of  Microbiology,DSM ,Parbhani On 27 Jan., 2016.

17)      One Day State Level Inter University Microbiology Teachers Meet At Haribhai V.  Desai College, Pune, On 25 June, 2017.

18) XXXIX statutory conference and national seminar on Reforms ih higher education: challenges and opportunities organized by by AIFUCTO on 18-20 december 2017.

19)     State Level Poster Competition On “Bioenergy”Organized By Dept. of  Microbiology,DSM ,Parbhani On 27 Jan., 2018.

20)  One day workshop on inteactual property right organized at yogeshwari college, ambajogai on 13 January 2019.

   21.) One Day State Level Inter seminar on recent trends in microbiology At  kholeshwarCollege, ambajogai, On 17 January, 2019.

22)  One day regional  level seminar on ,revised  NAAC guidelines 2020 and  role of IQAC in quality enhancement organized  by yogeshwari and  swami ramanand teerth mahavidyalaya  ambajogai on 22 February 2020.

23)International webinar on, “ Global food security in post covid era” organized by Bareilly college ,Bareilly on 28 may, 2020.

24)National webinar on , “exam from home :an alternative assessment and evaluation model in the wake of COVID -19 organized by Jawahar college Anadur , on 03 June, 2020.


25)National webinar on “post covid -19 start-up challenges before Indian economy” organized by Vidyadhan college Aurangabad on 24 june ,2020.


26)National webinar on “ academic integrity and quality measuring tools in research and publication “ organized by Rajaram college Kolhaphur on 31 may,2020.


27) National conference on “ medicinal and wild edible plants – the immunomodulators for covid-19 pandemic “ organized by Smt. Radhabai Sarda college anjangaon surji, dist. Amravati on 22 june, 2020.


28)National level multilingual webinar on “teaching of languages in post covid scenarioorganized by rastramatha indira Gandhicollege , jalna on 11 june,2020.


29)National webinar on “ issues and challenges of online teaching “ organized by vidyawardhini sabhas college, dhule on 4 june 2020.


30)General knowledge quiz organized by narayanrao nagre college ,dusarbid on 20 june ,2020.


31)Covid-19 online quiz organized by narayanrao nagre college ,dusarbid on 27 june ,2020.


32)Online international covid-19 awareness quiz 2020 organized by rajiv Gandhi university papumpare ,arunachal Pradesh on 11 june, 2020.


33)Online webinar on “to do list for organization to thrive post covid -19” organized by sandip institute of technology and research center, nashik on 19 may,2020


34)National level faculty development workshop on e-learning organized by smt. Sushiladevi deshmukh college , latur on 27 may,2020.


35) participated in one day workshop in revised syallabus in B.sc Microbiology organized by yogeshwari mahavidyalaya, ambajogai on 7 may 2022.


36) participated in one day workshop on national education policy-2020 organized by dr. B.A.M.U. Aurangabad on 30 sept 2022


Paper presentation

1)         50th  annual conference association of microbiologists of India at National Chemical  Laboratory, Pune 15 to 18 Dec.2009

2)         National  conference on toxilogy at Milliya College  Sponsored by U.GO  5 and 6 Oct.2010

3)         International Conference biotechnology for better tomorrow -2011 at Dr.B.A.M.Unversity , Aurangabad 06 to 09 Feb, 2011.

4)         International Conference absd 2012 at Colombo , Srilanka  12 , 13 march 2012

5)         International conference conference  association of  AMI, at bhubneshwer ( orrisa),22 to 25 November,2012. )

6)       National conference on current trends in chemical research sponsored by UGC. at vasantrao naik college,Aurangabad,30-31,august,2012.

7)           International Conference on third global sustainable biotech congress organized by north Maharashtra university ,jalgaon in collaboration with global biotech forum,Nagpur and    Cetys   university ,mexico on 1-5 december,2014.

8)          Act as an evaluator for third state level poster competition on biological colours organized by DSM parbhani on 27 january 2015. 

9)     International Symposium on host –pathogen interaction organized by Association of microbiologists of india from 9-12 december 2018 at university of hydrabad.

10) International conference on emerging trends in microbiological sciencesand IPR organised by department of microbiology, milliya college,beed,on 07 February 2019.

11) International conference on empowering society with microbial technology by tuljaram chaturchand college,baramati dist. Pune on 8to 9 February 2019.

12) National conference on  recent trends in microbial technology organized by department of microbiology, Dr. BAMU  sub campus osmanabad during 11-12 march, 2019.

13)  Interdisciplinary national conference on   Sustainable development goals by MSPM arts, commerce and Science College, kille- dharur, Dist. beed.  on 8 February 2020.


     C)   Orientation, Refresher and short term Course attended:-

1)         66th  OPrientation course, UGC, academic staff College, Dt.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad 02/11 to 29/ 11/2006

2)         75th Orientation course for o.os of N.S.S.toc, Ahmednagar College, Ahmednagar 01-10 March -2001

3)         60th Refresher course on life skills for adolescents and water literacy, Govt.of India. N.S.S.Toc, Ahmednagar College, Ahmednagar. College, Ahmednagar.

4)         Training programme for Prevetion and control of sexually transmitted diseases. Socity for social work at M.G.M.Medical Center and Research Institute, Aurangabad.

5)         4th Refresher course in Environmental studies UGC academic staff College, Aurangabad.02/02/2010 to 22/02/2010

6)       UGC sponsored special winter school programme at, UGC, academic staff College, Dt.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad 08/11/2013 to 28/ 11/2013.

7)     UGC sponsored short term course on professional development programme for senior faculty at, UGC, academic staff College, Dt.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad 02/02/2015 to 07/ 02/2015.

8. UGC sponsored Disaster Management (ID) at, UGC, academic staff College Dr.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad 01/01/2020 to 13/ 01/2020.

9. UGC sponsored short term course on cyber crimes and cyber “preventive and reactive measures” at, UGC, HRDC Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar -470003 M.P. ( India) , Dt. 07/01/2021 to 13/01/2021.        

 Extension Work / Community Service:


1)         Worked  as a N.S.S.P.O.10 Years .

2)         Detection of Blood Group and organization of blood donation Camps annually.

3)         Work in drought relief fund rally, AIDS awareness ands Prevention Programmers.

4)         Training and  work in  Water Literacy (C.C.T) and Adolescent skills

5)         Participation in earthquake suffered society at  Killari.


Participation and contribution to Corporate Life:


  1. College / University / Institution:

Organized two international level seminar, two national and two

                                                                          State level conference for teachers, students and farmers.

                                                                           Chairman of U.G.C. committee at college level.

                                                                          Chairman of academic and administrative audit committee

                                                                          Chairman of RUSA and star college proposal  committee

                                                                          Nodal officer for B.VOC. course                                               

                                                                          Member of College Development Committee

                                                                         Member of mentoring committee.                                                                           



b)         Co- curricular Activities        Blood Group Determination regular activity from

                                                                           June 2000.

                                                                  Awareness in society for use of mask avoiding spitting

                                                                  at public spaces and vaccination of COVID -19.


c)  Enrichment of Campus Life:        To make available research facilities from funding

                                                              Agencies by performing society oriented research projects.                                                  



d)         Students welfare and Discipline:      student’s participation in seminars.

                                                                         Organization of guest lectures.                                                                       

                                                                        Student’s project works.

                                                                         Remedial teaching.                                   


e)         Membership in Bodies Education Committees:

  1. Member of Board of  post graduate education in                                    

College Dr.B.A.M.Universiy, Aurangabad. (2017-2022)

  1. Member of Board of studies in Microbiology                                 

                                                                               Dr...B.A.M.Universiy, Aurangabad. (2014-2022)   

  1. Member of college affiliation committee of        

Dr.B.A.M.Universiy, Aurangabad.

  1. Charmain for  examination of flying Squad of                                                      

Dr.B.A.M.Universiy, Aurangabad.

  1. Subject expert for selection of assistant professor.
  2.  Member of research centre committee


f)          Professional Organization of Teachers:

1)         Member of microbiologist’s society of India (MSI).

2)         Member of International journal of life sciences.                                        

3)          Member of association of microbiologist of india.(AMI).     

4)         Member of Akhil Bhartiya Natya partishad .


Any Other Information:

  1. Nominated as member of post graduate board for college in faculty of science and technology by Vice Chancellor of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad.
  2. Member of board of studies in Microbiology, of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad.
  3. Recognition as post graduate teacher in the subject of microbiology.
  4. Recognition as research guide in the subject of microbiology.

  5)  Awarded as best National Service Scheme Programme Officer  by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada       University Aurangabad.

      6)   Best Teacher award  at National level by avishakar social and educational foundation (NGO)   Kolhapur.

     7 ) State Level Yashwantratan Award  By Jaymahler Social  Foundation   Beed.





                                                                                                            Dr. Gutte S.L.

                                                                                                              Department of microbiology,

                                                                                                               Mrs. K.S. K. College, Beed.
