OBC Cell


1) Dr . CHAUDHARI  V. M                                   CHAIRMAN 

2) Dr. . CHAVAN A.D.                                            MEMBER

3) Dr.   GAYKAWAD S.V.                                       MEMBER

4) Dr. RAUT  S. R                                                 MEMBER



1) Organiza Meetting in First tearm.

2) Make what’s up  groups for students.

3) All types of Infornution  send to the students.

4) Information about the examination.

5) Information about Rajashri shahu schoturship to the student’s

6) Maharastra Govt.Ruls & Regulation Inform to the students.

7) Infornation about time table of exam to the students.

8) OBC students infrom about Ramaidal programe.

9) Care about atendets of students .

10) Information to the students about siycological best persanulity.

11) Incresing studests attendents inform to the students.

12) Any time attachment to the all students.



                                                                                CHAIRMAN OF OBC CELL

                                                                                    Dr. Chaudhri V.M.

                                                                                Sou K.S.K. College Beed.