B. A

B. A. First Year        (Semester System)         50 marks
1. English
2. Marathi/Hindi/Urdu
3. Environmental science
4. The Optional Subjects to be opted three not more than one from each of the following groups.Subject Groups
Group (A) (1) :- Marathi, Hindi, English, Urdu,
Group (B) (2) :- Geography, Home Science, Physical Edu. Education, Music, Dramatics,
Group (C) (3) :- Political Science, Sociology
Group (D) (4) :- History, public Administration,Economics.


B. A. Second Year       (Semester System)         50 marks
1. English
2. Marathi/Hindi/Urdu
3. The three Optional Subjects to be opted, not more than one frome each of the following groups. Subject Groups
Group (A) :- Marathi, Hindi, English, Urdu
Group (B) :- Geography, Home Science, Physical Edu. Education, Music, Dramatics,
Group (C) :- Political Science, Sociology,
Group (D) :- History, public Administration,Economics.


B. A. Third Year         (Semester System)
Note : Choose one subject as a main other two subsidery out of three optional subjects.
Group (A) Marathi, Hindi, English, Urdu,
Group (B) Geography, Home Science, Physical Edu.
Group (C) Political Science, Sociology
Group (D) History, public Administration,Economics.