Dr. Santosh Mahadeo Talekar

Dr. Santosh Mahadeo Talekar
Subject Specialization: 
1.  Employee Name  : Dr.Santosh Mahadeo Talekar
2.  Department : Botany
3.  Designation: Associate Professor
4. Subject  Specialization : Cytogenetics
5.  Institute Name : Mrs.K.S.K.College Beed
6.  Residential Address : Bhagwan Apartment Shivginagao Beed
7.  Contact No.(Office) : 02442 - 222641
8.  Email Id : [email protected]
9.  Contact No.(Personal) : 9423168147
10.  Date of Birth : 22/04/1975
11.  Cast : Maratha               Validity No : ---   
12.  Date of Appointment : 08/12/1999
13.  College ID : 35
14.  Pan Card Number : 
15.  U.I.D : 
16.  Voter ID : 
17. Blood Group : B+ve      Driving Licence No : ---

18.  Academic Information

Educational Qualifications :

Sr. No.


Name of Board / University

Month and Year of Passing

Grade / Marks / Division




March - 1990





March - 1992





February - 1995





October - 1997





December - 2009



Research Guides:
Sr. No Name of Research Student Title of Research  Topic Status
1 Dr. S.R. Maske Studies of fungal diseases on Cowpea and its biological control under in vivo and in vitro Awarded 7 Nov. 2017
2 Dr. Pawar Bharat Vasant Studies on Genetics Northern Leaf Blight and its effect on yeild in Maize (Zea mays L.).  08-08-2022
3 Shri.JadhavShashikant Studies on Role of Blue green Algae (BGA) Development Of Selected Crops. On Going
4 Shri Jadhav Sandeep Studies ofAlgal Diversity and Physico- Chemical analysis ofDnyaneshwar dam of Ahmednagar District.. On Going
5 Mrs. DevgudeRohini Studies on Algal Biodiversity and Phsico – Chemical analysis of Waste water 29 Nov.2019
6 Mrs. TumranMohinikumari Ecological and Biodivercitical studies of Algae in DokewadaReservior of Beed District in Marathwada Region in Mharashatra. On Going
7 Jyoti Radkar Algal diversity of Khatkali reservoir of Beed On Going
8 Mahesh Nivrutti Sonawane Studies on soil algal flora of Cultivated and non-cultivated fields of Beed District Maharashtra On going
9 Kashid Rahul Ramhari Genetic improvement of Horse gram through induced mutation breeding  On Going
10 Mandve Prakash  Studies on effect of algae on yield of green gram (Vigna radiata) On Going
11 Shejul Veerupaksh Management of stem root disease of groundnut caused by using Trichoderma species On Going

University Affairs

     01.Member B.O.S. in Botany Dr.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad.
     02. Member Faculty of science in Dr.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad.
     03. Member B.O.S. 32 (6) (a) committee Dr.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad.
     04 .Member B.O.S. in Horticulture Dr.B.A.M.U.Aurangabad.
Research Project Details :
Sr. No. Funding Agency Project Title Project Period and Amount Present Status
1 University Grant Commission Ecobiodiversitical studies of algae in Bindusara reservoir of beed district in Maharastra June 2013 to May 2015 - [Rs. 155000 ] Completed
Details of Conference / Symposium / Workshop Attended :
Sr. No. Title of Conference / Symposium / Workshop Level Place Period
1 Workshop - [Scope & Limitation of syllabus] Regional  S.M.D.M. College Kalam 21-08-05
2 Workshop - [curriculum in Botany]   V.N.Naik College Aurangabad 26-06-05
3 Conference - [National Conference on applied aspects on plant &environmental science] National Woman’s college Aurangabad  01-08-2006
4 Workshop - [Workshop on plant identification] Regional Dept. of Botany Dr. B. A. M. U. Aurangabad Sep.2006
5 Conference - [National Conference on Modern trends in plant Science Dept.ofBotany BAMU] National Dept. of Botany BAMU Aurangabad Oct.2007
6 Seminar - [State level seminar on role of microorganism in industrial influent treatment.] State Mrs. K.S.K. College, Beed Sept. 2007
7 Symposium - [International symposium on applied phycology & environment biotechnology] International BIT Pilani October,2007
8 Workshop - [8 Regional workshop on revised syllabus in Botany] National Balbhim College, Beed Feb.08
9 Conference - [) State level seminar integrated Disease management of crop plant’s] State Vasnat college Kaij Nov.2008
10 Conference - [National conference on Biodiversity sustainable development & human welfare] National Dr. P.R. Ghogre Sci. College Dhule  01-01-2009
11 Workshop - [Workshop on Limitation & scope of revised syllabus.] Regional Shri. Chatrapati College Aurangabad 2009
12 Seminar - [) State level Seminar on Sources and Application of Phytochemicals?] State level Dr. B.A.M.U. Aurangabad,  01-10-2007
13 Symposium - [International symposium on Phycological research] International HINDUBANRUS University Varanashi Feb 2010.
14 Workshop - [) State level c conference on current status of plant science Radhabai Kale MahilaMahavidhya ] State level S. M. D M. Kallam  01-07-2010
15 Conference - [State level conference on current status of plant science Radhabai Kale MahilaMahavidhya ] National Miliya college Beed  01-08-2010
16 Conference - [) National level seminar on importance of scientific Terminology in science Education in Regio] National A.    D.A.B. College Kada Octomber 2010.
17 Workshop - [Scope and Limitation of Revised Syllabus of B.Sc.III year.] Regional Shivaji College Kannad. 06-08-11
18 Conference - [Role of Woman in Ran Water Conservation and its Management.] National Sawarkar College Beed. 27&28/12/2011
19 Conference - [Environment and Climate Change And its Impact on Biodiversity.] National K.S.K. College Beed. 24-01-12
20 Conference - [National Conference on Biodiversity Prospects and Potential] National S.M.D.M. Kallam December 2012.
21 Workshop - [New Syllabus in Botany]   V.N. Naik Collage Aurangabad 02-03-03
22 Conference - [Modern Trends in Plant Science] National Dept. Botany Dr. B.A.M.U. Aurangabad 06,07/10/2007
23 Conference - [Current Status of Plant Sciences] National Radhabai Kale College Ahemdnagar 19,20/03/2010
24 Seminar - [seminar on importance of scientific Terminology in science Education in Region] National H.R.D. New Delhi 27-29/04/2011
25 Conference - [Advance in Plant Biotechnology and Biodiversity for Rural Development] National Gandhi College Kada 13-12-12
26 Symposium - [Plant Diseases] National V.N.M.K.V. Parbhani 27&28 Dec.2013
27 Conference - [Sates and Opportunities and Challenges in life sciences] National Radhabai Kale College Ahemadnagar 17-19 Sept 2013
28 Symposium - [New research and its Application in life sciences] National Balbhim college Beed 15-16 feb.2014
29 Workshop - [syllabus Reframing] National Gov. Inst. Of Science Aurangabad 23-24 jan 2015
30 Workshop - [syllabus Reframing] National Late Shankarrao Gutte College Dharmapuri 19 Des 2015
31 Conference – [Plant research and resource management] International T,.C. College Baramati 11-13 feb 2016
32 Conference – [Recent trends in theoretical and experimental sciences] National Ahmednagar College Ahmednagar 17-18 feb 2016
33 Seminar - [seminar on role of ICT in higher education for quality improvement] National Mrs. K.S.K. College Beed 29-30 Sept 2016
34 Workshop - [syllabus Reframing] National Gov. Inst. Of Science Aurangabad 22-23 Des 2016
35 Conference – [Advances in life science and human welfare] National Dr. Rafiq Zakaria College for Women Aurangabad  18-02-2017
36 Conference – [Recent trends in life science for sustainable development ] National Vasant College Kaij  23-12-2017
37 National seminar on Recent trends in Environmental Biodiversity National Bhagwan college Ashti 01 Feb.2020
38 National  conference on resent advances in sciences National Shivaji college Kanad 13-Feb-20
39 National  conference on Recent Trends in plant sciences National Millind college Aurangabad 14,15 Feb 2020
40 Virtual International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research Trends (VICMRT2020) International Nehru YuvaKendra Thiruvananthapuram 21,22 and 23 Nov.2020

Paper Presentation Details :

Sr. No. Title of Paper Level Place Period
1 ). A preliminary investigation of algal flora of Lonar lake. National Dhanaji Nana Mahavidhyalya Faizpur. 2007)
2 Algal Biodiversity of polluted water Reservoirs National Dr. P .R. Ghoger Science College Dule. 2009
3 Studies on polluted water National Balbhim college Beed 15-16 feb 2014
4 Zygnimatels of Manjra REver International T.C. College Baramati 11-13 feb 2016
Details of Publications (Paper / Books / Articles / Monographs / Book Chapters) :
Sr. No. Details of Publication Publication Author (s) / Editor (s) Level and Date
1 Paper - [Biodiversity of Desmids in Manjara river of Maharashtra.]The Ecotech 1(2) From 104 To 105 The Ecotech Santosh Talekar and Milind Jadhav International -  [ 05-05-2009 ]
2 Paper - [Cyanobacterial diversity in polluted water] Bionano Frontier Santosh Talekar and Milind Jadhav International -  [ 04-11-2009 ]
Bionano Frontier Vol3(1) From 121 To 122
3 Paper - [Cyanobacterial diversity in polluted water.]National Journal of Life Sciences 6( 3) From 361 To 362 National Journal of Life Sciences Santosh Talekar and Milind Jadhav National -         [ 06-06-2009 ]
4 Paper - [Studies on the Diatoms from Manjara river in Beeddistric of Maharastra]Biosci.Disc. (1)1 From 13 To 14 Biosci.Disc. Santosh Talekar and Milind Jadhav National - [ 10-08-2010 ]
5 Paper - [Cyanobacterial Diversity of MehakariReaervoirTq.AshtiDist.Beed (M.S.) India]Patron IV From 101 To 104 Patron Santosh Talekar, Sirsat P.B. and Milind Jadhav International - [ 10-07-2010 ]
6 Paper - [Algaldiversity(Osciltoriaceae)of JalgaonNalaofAshtiTaluka of Beed district in Maharashtra.]]
Jur.Expermental Science 1(2) From 20 To 21
Jur.Expermental Science Santosh Talekar, Milind Jadhav and S.K. Jogdand International - [ 10-08-2010 ]
7 Paper - [Seed Boren Mcoflora of Groundnut (Arachis hypogeal L.]Jur. Experemental Science Ecobiotechnology 2/6 From 11 To 13 Jur. Experemental Science Ecobiotechnology S.K. Jogdand and Santosh Talekar International - [ 10-10-2010 ]
8 Paper - [Effect of leafextract of Ocimumsantum and Ipomeacarnea on the growth of Cercosporasorgi of Sorghum]] Shodhakan Kashid N.G. and S.M. Talekar National - [ 08-08-2012 ]
Shodhakansp.Iss From 39 To 42
9 Paper - [Effect of leafextract of Ocimumsantum and Ipomeacarnea on the growth of Cercosporasorgi of Sorghum]Shodhakansp.Iss From 43 To 45 Shodhakan Kashid N.G.and S.M. Talekar National - [ 08-08-2012 ]
10 Paper - [Cyanobacterial Diversity of Dokewadireservir]Flora and Fauna - From 345 To 346 Flora and Fauna Dr. Santosh Talekar International -  [ 10-03-2013 ]
11 Paper - [Chrococales of Belgaonreservir]Biosience Discovery - From 97 To 98 Biosience Discovery S.M. Talekar International - [ 16-01-2014 ]
12 Paper - [Chlorocococales form JalgaonNala]Scencereserch journal - From 6 To 8 Scencereserch journal S.M. Talekar National - [ 02-01-2017 ]
13 Paper - [Chlorococales of Bendusara Dam]International journal applied science - From 378 To 381 International journal applied science S.M. Talekar International - [ 09-12-2017 ]
14 Paper - [Cayanobaterial Diversity of Soybean]International journal ofinnov - From 1 To 2 International journal ofinnovation science S.M. Talekar International - [ 15-04-2017 ]
15 Paper - [Algal diversity dairy wast water]Ahemdnagaer college - From 74 To 75  Ahemdnagaer college S.M. Talekar National - [ 18-04-2017 ]
16 Studies on  Genetics of Northern corn Leaf Blight in Maize (Zea mays L.).456-460 Trends in Biosciences B.V. Pawar and S.M. Talekar Internationa - [2018]
17 Generation mean Analysis to Estimate genetics parameters for resistance to Northern corn Leaf Blight in Maize (Zea mays L.).578-581 Trends in Biosciences B.V. Pawar and S.M. Talekar Internationa - [2018]
18 Diatoms form waste waterinBeedCityofMaharastra 211-212 Recent trenas in life science forsustainable development S.M. Talekar National       23-12-2017
19 Stuideson physic-chemical Analysis of Waste water from Beed city 227-228 Recent trenas in life science forsustainable development R.N. Devgude and National 
S.M. Talekar 23-Dec-17
20 Diatoms of Cement Industry Waste Water Boiscience Discovery  R.N. Devgude and International - [ Jan 2019]
S.M. Talekar
21 Cyanophycean Algal Flora From Arable Land Soils Of RahuriTahasil Dist. Ahmednagar Boiscience Discovery  S.R. Jadhav and International - [ Jan 2019]
S.M. Talekar
22 Effect ofblue green algae on yieldofSoyabean(Glycine max L..Meer) Bioscience Discovery S.R. Jadhav and Internationaljuly 2019
S.M. Talekar
23 Studies on algal diversity of Bendusara Dam(MS) India Bioscience Discovery Talekar S.M. and A. D Baglane International july 2020
24 Algal diversity of kankaleshowar temple pond in Beed city International Journal of Research culture society Talekar S. M. and Shelke A.N International july 2020
25 Studies on microbial spoilage and preservation of fish in Maharashtra International Journal of Research culture society Talekar S. M. and Shelke A.N International july 2020
26 Caynobacterial  Diversity of Beverage Industries  Waste Water  Ecology and Fissheries Talekar S. M. and Shelke A.N International july 2020
27 Induced Mutagenic effect on 50% flowering in Linseed ( Linumustatissimum L.) Ecology and Fissheries Talekar S. M. and Kashid N. G. International july 2020
28 Diatom flora of Bendusara Dam(MS) India Ecology and Fissheries Talekar S. M. International july 2020
29 Algal Diversity of Pimpalwandi reservoir  Our Heritage Talekar S. M. and Shelke A.N International july 2020
31 EFFECT OF MUTAGENS ON PLANT MATURITY IN LINSEED (LINUM USITATISSIMUM L) PLANTS.  BIOINFOLET 17 (2) : 319 - 320, 2020 NavnathKashid, Anil Rode, Rahul Kashid and Santosh Talekar International January 2020
32 Studies on Inheritance of Hybrid Variance of Northern Corn Leaf Blight in Maize (Zeamayes L..) International journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology  Talekar S. M. International Nov. 2020
33 Diversity of Mosquito larvae form filarialariaendememic zone in Beed City (M.S.) India.  Boiscience Discovery A.N. Shelke & S.M. Talekar International January 2021
34 Diversity of Desmids in Bendusara Dam   IJSRSET A. N. Shelke and Talekar S. M. International August 2021
35 Euglenoids of Manjara River and its Reservoir in Beed District of Maharashtra IJSRST Talekar S. M. and A. N. Shelke International February 2022
36 Studies on chlorophyll changes in healthy anddiseased leaf of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata  (L.) Walp).  WJERT S.M. Talekar International April 2022
37 Studies on fresh water algal diversity of Dokewada reservoir IJRHAL M.L. Tumran & S.M. Talekar International October 2021
38 Green algae of Dokewada reservoir in Beed District of Maharashtra IJIRMF M.L. Tumran & S.M. Talekar International November 2021
39 Physco- chemical analysis of the Dokewada reservoir Beed District of Maharashtra state, India IJRANSS M.L. Tumran & S.M. Talekar International December 2021
40 Trichoderma SP. as a biocontrol measurefor plant diseases management Vidyabharti international interdisciplinary research journal V.A. Shejul and S.M. Talekar International Sept. 2022
41 Genetic variation in seed germination and survival of plant in horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum L.) through induced mutation breeding Journal of chemical, biological and physical science R.R. Kashid and S.M. Talekar International Dec. 2022
  Trichoderma Sp as a biocontrol measure for plant diseases management VIIRJ V.A. Shejul & S.M. Talekar International Feb. 2023
  Effect of chemical and physical mutagen on pollen sterility in horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum Lam.) IJRAR  R.R. Kashid & S.M.Talekar International March 2023
  Algal Flora of sugarcane fields in paundul area of shirur kasar taluka in beed district (M.S.) India IJSTRA M.N.Sonavane & S.M. Talekar International March. 2023
  Trichoderrma Spp for management of Sclerotium rolfsii IJAS V.A. Shejul and S.M. Talekar International Feb.2023
  Systematic Enumeration of some selected Algae IJCSPUB A.D.Baglane & S.M. Talekar International Jan.2023
  Anthracnose intensity and per cent pod infection of cowpea in beed district GSCBPS  S.M. Talekar International Jan.2023


Teaching Experience :
Sr. No. Name of Employer Designation Nature of Post Duration Pay Commission Reason for Leaving
1 K.S.K.College Beed Associate Professor Permanent 25-09-2007 - Till Date 7th Pay Commission  
2 P.V.P. College Patoda Leturer Permanent 24-09-2007 - 24-09-2007 7th Pay Commission Transfer

